Solid architecture is the product of a culture that values holistically and thoughtfully designed systems. This document identifies the driving questions necessary for Vox Media engineering teams to produce well architected systems.
The following questions will encourage high quality, long lasting and maintainable code. Good system design has thoughtful goals, good architecture enables these goals.
Writing software at Vox Media requires more than just making something work, it requires thoughtful attention to the goals of the business and supporting product. It encourages a mindfulness on the following topics.
Our goal is to build systems in service for others. This mindset encourages a thoughtfulness for future users and maintainers. How does your design empathetically serve others?
Inclusion and Reuse – How have you encouraged others to use this module with confidence?
Site design and styles heavily influenced by our Code of Conduct. Images courtesy of Alesha Randolph.
This document is released under the Apache 2.0 license.